Afif Rachmat Hidayat

Afif Rachmat Hidayat - HAP

Practice Areas

  • Dispute Resolution 

Afif Rachmat Hidayat is a Lawyer of Hasnah Aziz & Partners (an affiliate firm of Suhardi Somomoeljono & Associates in Tangerang). Afif has extensive experience working in business practice, criminal law, civil law, family law, and dispute resolution (alternative dispute resolution and court litigation).

Afif started his experience in legal matters extends across all industry sectors with a focus on commercial, employment, family law, criminal law . Afif frequently advises clients on government policies and legislations, contract, compliance and government relations. afif’s expertise in private and criminal law fields is an advantage for defending and securing his client’s interest in legal issues.

Afif graduated with Bachelor of Law degree (S.H) from Faculty of Law Trisakti University and Afif pursued his post-graduate study in jayabaya University. In the organization,afif is an active member of the Young Lawyer Committe (YLC) and the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI).

Afif assists Suhardi Somomoeljono & Associates’ clients with the specific formal arrangement between Suhardi Somomoeljono & Associates and  Hasnah Aziz & Partners. 

Practice Areas