Servicepractice area Dispute Resolution Bankruptcy & Restructuring She joined SSA Advocates since 2010, before joining SSA Advocates she worked for a lot of reputable law firm. Since she joined SSA Advocates, she working for dispute settlement department and represents many clients in handling commercial and industrial dispute. She is one of the senior associate who
Corporate & Commercial Our firm’s experience in various fields of business transaction, investment and other corporate actions has made our firm capable to provide a high quality solution for our client’s needs. Our firm’s understands the business, legal and political climate in Indonesia and therefore we may provide an effective legal services and knowing the
Dispute Resolution We have extensive experience in practicing litigation proceedings and alternative dispute resolution, our 28 years experiences in litigation proceedings has led us to be one of the oldest and famous law firms in Indonesia which handle wide litigation cases. We believe that court settlement may occur instability to our client’s business operational, therefore
Employment & Benefits We do understand that manpower issues is one of the most important aspect in running business in Indonesia, to protect the legal interest of our clients towards various regulation on employment, we provide a comprehensive legal services. Our legal services for employment issues are in including but not limited to as follow
Intellectual Property We maintain and secure our client’s business operations with their intellectual property (IP) value on their business, our continuing supervision of our client’s intellectual property has helped our client to add their business value. We understand our client’s business perspective to add their value and secure their goods/services quality. Therefore, we commit to
Real Estate & Construction We also provide a wide range of legal services on real estate, since property development in Indonesia is increasing, the company which runs its business in the real estate sector needs to be preventively protected. To protect our client’s legal interest and business, we provide legal services on real estate such
Bankruptcy & Restructuring SSA Advocates assist by representing creditors or corporate debtors on bankruptcy litigation procedures. We also advise on debt to equity swap, debt to asset swap, debt to quasi-equity swap and other amicable debt restructuring for bankruptcy and insolvency procedures. In connection with the litigation procedures, we also represent the client before the
how can we help you?

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“SSA Advocates’ solid footing in the Indonesian legal market can be attributed to its dispute resolution and restructuring and insolvency work. Suhardi Somomoeljono is a key contact.”

Asialaw (Dispute Resolution)
, Asialaw, 2020

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